The term “Smile Design” is popularly used to group certain processes carried out on the teeth aimed at to create or restore a harmonious and aesthetic smile.
When we perform this procedure in our INTEGRAL CENTER FOR MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, our goal is to achieve the result that the patient is looking for, but always performing procedures without unnecessary biological expense for dental structures, always seeking beautiful results but functional for our patients with long-term stability a .
What is the use of a beautiful smile, if we cannot chew properly and our teeth are worn down when it is not necessary?
To perform a smile design, accurate and complete diagnoses are necessary that define the exact initial conditions of each patient, taking into account the natural features of the face, position, shape, size and color of the teeth.
Some smile designs only require porcelain veneers. Others will require a combination of veneers and porcelain crowns. Porcelain crowns are chosen when teeth have lost important parts of their structure, such as teeth treated endodontically due to extensive carious processes or large restorations with deterioration.
Sometimes teeth are missing in the smile area. This requires clinical evaluation, study models and auxiliary examinations to determine the ideal treatment, being recommended in edentulous areas dental implants. Multiple missing front teeth may require multiple implants or a prosthesis with implant support according to evaluation and planning to complete a smile design.
If there is a change in the shape and size of the gums or they are uneven when the patient smiles, a treatment of gum lifting (Gingivoplasty or gingivectomy) can be proposed, according to the design planning, to reduce the amount of these.
Finally, if the teeth do not need veneers, a teeth whitening will be performed to completely give the design of the smile with color harmony. This ensures that your smile is highlighted and illuminated.
Provides more beautiful teeth in harmony with your face.
Achieves facial rejuvenation by supporting facial soft tissues.
Improves lip position.
Increases visual attractiveness of the person.
Allows for confident smiling.
Raises self esteem.
Adds a cheerful and positive appearance.
Offers a feeling of cleanliness and care.
Balances the proportion between lips and teeth.
Generates harmony between teeth.
Improves function and oral health.
Improves function and occlusal stability by taking care of structures such as the temporomandibular joints.

Who are the ideal candidates for a smile design?
Patients who present the following situations or affections, may be candidates for a smile design. However, the only one who can determine this is a specialist after making a previous diagnosis:
All those patients who want to modify, improve or recover the aesthetics of the smile.
Alterations of tooth color.
Stains that cannot be erased with a teeth whitening treatment may be candidates for treatments such as veneers.
Multiple resin restorations with aesthetic affectation.
Tooth fractures.
Partial or total loss of dental crowns.
Tooth loss.
Teeth worn down over the years, or by states such as bruxism will require aesthetic and functional rehabilitation
Short teeth that can be lengthened.
Patients who expose a lot of gum when smiling combined with surgical treatments.
Treatments aimed at improving the smile can take from one appointment, weeks, to several months, depending on the treatment plan, each situation being individual. If you have a harmonious smile and ideal oral health, then the treatment time will be shorter. For example, if previous orthodontics is required, the final result will take much longer than if the patient only requires a teeth whitening.
In the case of requiring dental implants, in our Integral Center for Maxillofacial Surgery we have techniques that allow us to shorten the treatment times by managing high technology that allows us to place implants and crowns in a single appointment, drastically reducing the working times in appropriate cases.